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Assignment Wastewater Management Report †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Explain Assignment Wastewater Management Report? Answer: Introducation: The task that is contained in this assignment wastewater management report is purely original and has never been submitted or published in any other forum before. Therefore, if in any case should this authorship be found not bearing any truth, then a disciplinary action and penalties should be taken by the university policies and regulations. Background Australia stands to be one of the biggest countries around the world and besides it is one of the countries well known to be experiencing challenges related to water. It is approximated to be around 7 million square kilometers of which approximately one percentage of the total are is covered with water. Thus it is very clear that the supply of water to the residents of Australia is from either the natural bodies or rain. Moreover, the natural water bodies are not enough since the population also is getting bigger and bigger every day(Bonomo, 2002, p. 544). A solution to the scenario is wastewater treatment and recycling. Waste water treatment involves dealing with many types of wastes including domestic water, sewage waste, industrial waste, chemical wastes, and pesticides among others. Some plants have a better and efficient plan of recycling the wastewater thereby making it safe and clean for major challenge with the recycling of the wastewater is that it totally depends on the cooperation of the community(Chris Binnie, 2008, p. 321). This, therefore, calls for the winning of the public trust to ensure the success of this whole process. The wastewater treatment recycling plant basically consists of three different stages which includes; the primary treatment stage, secondary treatment stage and finally the tertiary treatment stage .the primary treatment stage involves mostly the solid objects such as wood, metal, paper among others which are eliminated through multi-stage screening process .60% of the solids get removed at this stage and consequently the BOD is reduced by approximately 30%. The process involved at this stage is screening, sedimentation, grit removal and finally flocculation(D. G. Rao, 2012, p. 785). The second stage is the secondary treatments stage which comprises of organic treatment thereby eliminating the organic compounds. It involves both bacterial decomposition and the conversion of the organic compounds into carbon IV oxide. The decomposition is aided through the anaerobic process. Finally, the tertiary treatment process is concerned with the removal of approximately 99% of the pollutants thereby increasing the quality of the treated water. This process involves the reverse osmosis techniques, ultrafiltration and finally microfiltration. Also, the disinfection is done at this stage. These techniques even though they are expensive, they determine the overall quality of the resulting water(Dietrich Borchardt, 2013, p. 674). Wastewater Treatment Plant Description of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Malabar The plant at Malabar is one of the largest wastewater treatment plants in the greater Sydney, Illawarra, and the Blue Mountain regions. Situated along the southern coastline, Malabar plant recycles water at approximately 627 square kilometers i.e. from Greenfield to Tasman Sea. It collects both the industrial wastes and residential sewage at a ratio of 28% and 72 % respectively and besides treats approximately 470 million liters of water daily, this amount shoots up during the wet seasons. The most challenge facing Malabar plant is the bad odor that is emanating from it which is a common complaint by the local community although there is a plan to take charge of the problem. Malabar plant wastewater treatment runs on the three stages i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary stages as discussed below(Fereidoun Ghassemi, 2007, p. 986). The primary treatment involves the separation of the larger particles. This is primarily achieved by a system of six stage screening process that comprises of different mesh size screens which separate and discard the particles regarding their sizes. The materials include plastic, metal, cotton, paper, etc. the gravel, sand and some other inorganic materials are eliminated by the use of an aerated grit allowing the wastewater to flow to the sedimentation tanks where all the solid particles settle down at the bottom(Gayathri Devi Mekala, 2008, p. 675). The solids then are further removed. Other materials that are removed are the oily materials such as the industrial oils, kitchen oils, and grease among others. After the primary treatment stage, the biological treatment follows .firstly; it is done in the absence of oxygen then later it is done aerobically. The microorganisms are used to consume the organic material and in the process decomposing them. This greatly reduces the BOD. Since the chief sources of oxygen are the nitrites, phosphates, sulfates and dissolved organic material, the anoxic treatment process is carried out in a closed chamber since it produces a bad odor(Hamidi Abdul Aziz, 2014, p. 989). The anoxic process is proceeded by the performance of the aerobic process in open tanks since the bacteria requires oxygen and also extra air for it to diffuse and mix the activated sewage and biomass into a mixed liquor. After a period of 4 to 6 hours, the concentration of oxygen is now about 2mg/Loafer aerobic process hence the mixed liquor is channeled to the clarifier for 3 hours .in the clarifier, most of the organic particles get suspended forming an activated sludge which is reused in the process(Jr, 2005, p. 975). The treated wastewater is then released into a deep ocean outfall through a large tunnel that is 3.6 kilometers long .at the discharge point, the sea is 80m deep. The disinfectant used is the salt water since most of the bacteria are not able to survive in heavy sunlight .the wastewater outfalls and their surrounding are continuously monitored by the Sydney water and the environment protection agency. During this process, the solids that are located at the sedimentation tanks are also treated in the aerobic digesters. This helps in stabilizing the process that follows into the biosolids and furthermore prevents the odor from rising into serious levels. The decomposition of anaerobic solids results into methane gas which can be beneficially used in the production of electricity and also utilization in the heat digesters(Kurbiel, 2003, p. 636). The digested solid goes into the centrifuge where excess water gets eliminated and treated with other wastewater. The dry bio can be used in farms as compost manure. Below is a schematic diagram of the flow chart Alternate Wastewater Treatment System Using MBR MBR in full means membrane bioreactor which provides high quality treated water from the effluent water. This system involves the primary process which is similar to the conventional screening and removal of grit.The difference is realized in the secondary stage where the retention of the anoxic process is reduced by an hour after which the aeration tanks is used to promote the rate of decomposition by the microorganism, and the air gets continuously bubbled. The membrane reactors play its role after the water that is contained in the aeration is released. Water is then passed through the membrane in the form of very grainy particles meaning that only the small particles can pass through the membrane .all the microorganisms are thus discarded, and 75% of the dissolved particles are removed(LO Kolarik, 2008, p. 674). The process of ultrafiltration and biological treatment for the MBR is more advanced than the conventional method of wastewater treatment. This method is effectively and efficiently used in the municipal water plants, agricultural and in industrial applications. Below is the proposed MBR system (Gayathri Devi Mekala, 2008, p. 535). The total space that is required is the addition of the reactor and clarifier space as illustrated in the below equations. BOD load = average dry weather flow * raw sewage =23 * 275 kg/day =6.325* 103 kg/day Volume of the biological reactor = BOD load * sludge yield * SRT /mlss =6325 *1*15/3500 =27108.14 m3 Aerobic reactor volume(V.K. Gupta, 2012, p. 543). =Total volume * aerobic zone SRT/SRT =27108.14*10/15 =18072.1 m3 Anoxic reactor volume =total volume total volume of the aerobic reactor =27108-18072.1 =9035.9 m3 Area of the reactor = volume / depth =27108.14/4.5 =6024 m2 Size of the clarifier Maximum wastewater flow =PWWF+RAS =3 ADWF +ADWF =4ADWF =4*23 =92 ML /day or 3833.33 m3/hr. Solids load = maximum wastewater flow * MLSS Solids load =3833.33 * 3500* =13416.65kg/h Surface area of the clarifier =solids load / (number of clarifiers *maximum loading rate) =13416.65/7*2 =958.33 m2 Total area for the activated sludge system =surface area of biological reactor + surface area of clarifier =6024+939.05 =6963.05 m2 Total area =area of clarifier + area of biological membrane Area of biological membrane = total volume /reactor depth =27107.142/4.5 =6023.80 m2 Total area = 6023.80 + 939.05 * 2 =7901.9 m2 Membrane cell size The Total area of The Membrane =PWWWF/peak flux =3*23/40 =71875 m2 The total number of membrane modules required= total membrane area /membrane module area = 71875/50 =1438 modules Number of cassettes =no of modules /modules per cassette =1438/32 =45 cassettes Membrane zone volume =volume of cassette * number of cassettes =45*4*2 =360m2 Total space required for the MBR =surface area of the biological reactor + total cassette area =1898+ 360 =2258 m2 Comparison regarding space The membrane system area = 6983 m3 whereas the membrane system =2258 m2 This shows that the space required for setting up the MBR is almost a third of the conventional system thus it occupies less space(Michigan, 2009, p. 583). Power requirement The specific oxygen rate =AOR * DO peak / (B*DO sat- DO zone) x =1.6 * 1.4*9.02 / (0.97*9.02-2)0.65 =4.61 kg O2/kg BOD The BOD load = 6325kg/load Oxygen requirement =BOD load *SOR =6325 * 4.61 =29129.80 kg O2/day =1213.74kg O2/hour The total energy requirement =1213.74/3.5 = 347 kW The specific energy = the total energy requirement /volume of bioreactor =347 /27108 =0.0128 kW/ m3 Energy requirement for MBR SOR = Real * DO sat/ (B*DOsat-DOzone) =3.89 kg O2/ kg BOD Total energy requirement =319.585/ 3.5 =91.31kW Power requirement for membrane zone =3* 2875 =862.5 kW Specific energy =total energy requirement / volume of bioreactor =91.31/ 9488 =0.0096 kW / m3 Comparison of the power requirement For the MBR treatment, the amount of energy required is lower than that of the conventional method of treatment Advantages and Limitations of MBR and the Present Wastewater Treatment System The introduction of the membrane techniques in MBR makes it more efficient than the conventional means treating wastewater. This is because the quality of the effluent is increased with the MBR method. Moreover, this method requires a less space since the later stages are not very essential thus reducing the overall cost. Also, the retention time for the wastewater is reduced plus the volumetric rate is high thereby it handles a more volume than the conventional method over the same period of operation(Partners, 2005, p. 733). The effluent that is passed through the MBR consists of fewer amounts of phosphates and suspended solids as compared to the conventional means .the major limitation of the membrane reactor is the necessity for a huge amount of pumping energy since the wastewater is passed at a very high pressure .not only there are increased costs due to the chemicals that are involved in the treatment process but also these chemicals reduces the quality of the final effluent. Moreover, regular backwashing of the membrane is required at the pores to prevent blockage. Although the backwashing often results into increasing of the pores size. On the other hand, the present treatment method requires less capital investment due to the simple process that it involves. There are no frequent expenses since the construction is always strong. Furthermore, the energy requirement is also reduced(Pawlowski, 2007, p. 183). Advantages of conventional method Reduced capital cost and production costs as compared to the MBR treatment The energy consumption in the conventional method is very low as compared to the MBR treatment method(Russell L. Culp, 2008, p. 646). The maintenance cost is low as compared to the MBR method The conventional method is simple since less automation is required(Xie, 2013, p. 442). Disadvantages The quality of the water produced is low as compared to the MBR method. There are additional costs of biosolids since there is more production of sludge. When compared to the MBR method, the conventional treatment method tends to be slower and time-consuming. It results in more carbon footprint(Amjad, 2010, p. 342). Advantages of MBR treatment This method produces water of a higher quality as compared to the conventional method There is no need for many processes as in the case of conventional method The MBR treatment method consumes a little time The problem of odor is greatly reduced with the MBR treatment This method entails a reduced concentration of BOD, bacteria and suspended solids in the effluent as compared to the conventional method. The membrane separation is dependent on the size of the membrane pores hence there is a high degree of separation. Disadvantages Both the capital cost and the maintenance cost is higher as compared to the conventional method The MBR system consumes a higher amount of energy due to automation. Moreover, this method requires regular checkups hence costly It requires skilled labor for the operation of the process. This method is accompanied with problems of surface fouling(Singh, 2006, p. 992). Drinking water supply augmentation Flow chart diagram of the conventional treatment and MBR treatment Below is the flow chart for both the conventional means of treating water and the MBR treatment methods. Conventional treatment method(Bonomo, 2002, p. 532). Proposed MBR method(Gayathri Devi Mekala, 2008, p. 535). Rationale for the chosen component The method that is used presently at Malabar for managing the wastewater and in turn producing high-quality drinking water is the conventional method. In the primary stage of the treatment process, the plant applies screening, air stripping, flocculation, grit removal, and oxidation. The impurities are after that settled down by passing the effluent through a primary clarifier. In the secondary stage, it includes the biological handling of the effluent whereby the effluent is passed through the anoxic and aerobic zone which essentially discards all the BODs. The remaining impurities are then settled in the secondary clarifier thereby allowing water to pass through into the primary filtration chamber to attain a high quality of the drinking water .it is then passed through a second filtration and also carbon filtration. The carbon filtration process involves the removal of watercolor, taste, and odor. Finally, the water is taken into the final stage that involves the disinfection by using chlorine to eliminate all the bacteria that may result into diseases(Steusloff, 2010, p. 645). The components that are selected for the conventional treatment system plays a greater role in the general coming up of the high-quality drinking water. In the primary stage, the bigger sized particles are eliminated including the suspended solids. The secondary stage ensures the aerobic and anoxic digestion which eliminates the biological and other organic impurities .finally the filtration and chlorination processes ensures that the water is made free from any bacteria that may be a causal for diseases(Steven E. Esmond, 2002, p. 330). Selection of MBR components Just like the conventional means of treating water, the primary treatment process and the clarification process eliminates the coarse particles and the BODs. In the MBR treatment, the membrane provides the biological elimination process. The membrane helps to selectively discard the solids in the water and thereby producing water of high quality.In the Malabar water treatment plant, the pore size of the membrane is approximately 2mm which discards even the tiniest impurity. The final process of disinfection is achieved through chlorination(Thomas Mitchell Schmidt, 2012, p. 846). Conclusion The selection of the treatment method to be used greatly depends on the public perception. The community is greatly concerned with the quality of the water produced. From the comparisons, between the MBR treatment method and the conventional method; the MBR method is the most recommended method to be applied as a result of high speed and quality of the water produced(Zaini Ujang, 2009, p. 555). References Amjad, Z., 2010. The Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment. 2nd ed. Melbourne: CRC Press. Bonomo, L., 2002. Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Recycling, and Reuse. 2nd ed. Minnesota: Pergamon Press. Chris Binnie, M. K., 2008. Water Reuse, Scientific, and Technical Report Series. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: IWA Publishing. G. Rao, R. S. J. A. B. S. F., 2012. Wastewater Treatment: Advanced Processes and Technologies. 2nd ed. new York: CRC Press, Dietrich Borchardt, R. I., 2013. Integrated Water Resources Management in a Changing World. 1st ed. 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